Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Caterpillar says to Butterfly...

I know I'm still a caterpillar,
compared to all of you

Fat and ugly,
I may not have grown my wings
but I do, have my own poison

I know I'm still a caterpillar
but is it wrong for me


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

LOL That's so ME

poppin' pimples ain't like poppin' bubbles ya know what I'm saying?

Greetings from on top of my bed  (^o^)/ 
I'm currently enjoying a 'carefree' lifestyle. By carefree, I mean 'not constantly worrying about school, subjects, tasks, & tests', not seriously carefree ;-p 
I thankfully have passed the hectic summative week, now is... kinda waiting for the report card. But I'm already in holiday nevertheless. woohoo
Talk about the picture above, eh? Well, lately I'm haunted by pimples, so tiring! pimples are just like an Indonesian proverb, "gugur satu, tumbuh seribu". Or maybe it's because I didn't do enough exercise lately... DANG! I didn't do any exercise at all -_- uh.. guess I'm gonna make exercise my top priority on my holiday to-do list. 

Saturday, November 27, 2010


curhat, curhat, curhat. Seems like that's the only thing I've been doin' lately. My big mouth will started to gab about my life & its problems whenever I got the chance. And I hate myself like this. I'm always trying to look at the bright side and becoming an optimistic person, because my mom said I'm too pessimistic, negative of a person. But it's getting harder lately. Since the last time I blogged, waaaaaaaaaaaay many things had happened.  From the oldest, when my school went to a place called Situraja AND created a lot of memories there. To the latest, when I got typhus and have to rest on my bed and skipped school for a few days. I look back to this whole 5 weeks and think... Wow, that's a lot in just 5 weeks!  So I think, maybe I've became moody like this because I just needed to breakdown at some point. The problem is, my school agenda won't tolerate that. Next week is Summative Week. Holy Summative Week. The scores I'll earn on Summative will represent what I've learn from my whole 6 months studying in the XI grade. So, this isn't the time to breakdown at all. fffffff
Oh, by the way, I didn't know what curhat is in English, the closest thing that pops into my mind is whining. But it's a little different from that. Yeah, it is.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

just a 'galau' thought

"Maybe the river's not as ripply, as clear and as shallow as it seems. Maybe it's calmer, a lot darker, and a lot deeper down there. Who knows?" Seriously, just look down below the surface...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Holiday is...


Clockwise from the red truck :
#1,2 some birthday presents. The super yummy opera cake from my super cool Oom & Tante. The Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies Truck from my bestie (I love you, Nil)
#3 a teenlit about a teenage Moslem girl in Australia on how she handles all the people & the problems around her now that she's wearing hijab or headscarf or kerudung in Bahasa Indonesia. Very interesting and witty story. I found it fitting with the holy month spirit so I bought it :-)
#4 I watched Marie Antoinette from the writer-director Sofia Coppola with my sister. Along the movie, my sister and I couldn't stop drooling over the decadent sweets (especially the towering stacks of macarons), the over-the-top wardrobe, and the castles. The story of the late Queen of France was tragic but the way the film told it is very honest and entertaining.
#5 Haha, I'm addicted to Amateur Surgeon. I've been playing it since, like, a year ago, but never finished it. I remember it was one of the things that made me wanted to become a doctor, crazy huh ;-p Now that there is the second version I was kinda in a rush to finished it.
#6 one of my drawings

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

48 hours before total freedom ~

It's hard to believe only two more days left of school... :D I can picture myself already, having fun all day, won't be missing that ugly green prison school building. I will probably miss only the canteen and it's plentyful kind of delicacies that I haven't try all of it yet 6-: 
Now before I forget my holiday to-do list better write it down
1. Improve my crappy drawings (it's sort of a not-new-yet-not-something-I-ever-took-seriously thing, I'll catch up with the whole story later)
2. Meet old friends
3. Watch 'Marie Antoinette', 'Bridget Jones' Diary', '(500) Days of Summer', all romantic movies I could get my hands on
4. Read more classic Indonesian literature (just finished and ought to return to the school library, 'Salah Asuhan', a (tragic, IMO) love story with a rich cultural and historical background)
5. Sleep
6. More sleep
7. ....
8. ....
That's for now. I'm 100% positive it'll become longer and longer. Oh, and my mom insisted that I squeeze in 'study' between the number 1-3. Mmm right ma

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Most Random Thing at Night

seriously this is a random post that came out as a result of a chronic bore. So if ya got better thing to do, please don't waste your time.
Well, it's not that I don't have anything to do (I need to study biology religion math for heaven's sake). No. I have PLENTY o' stuff to do. It's just that... you know that feeling when you suddenly became weary of your routines? I need a quick break. Blogging in the middle of a school night like this is something that I wouldn't normally do. It's sort of a rule. But now, that rule should be locked in a box. I am already here :-p 

#1 I wear braces.
#2 If you ask me what my favorite fruits are, I'd say pear,banana, and longans
#3 Everybody has their own favorite ice cream flavor. Not that I often eat ice creams anyway, but the rum-and-raisin would be my choice
#4 I have a problem with concentrating to only one thing at a time
#5 I'm moody, terribly moody. I'm not that smiley, happy-go-lucky at all time. But usually I hide my feelings well.

oops, the battery's running low. gotta charge it. better get back to biology sleep now. tooddles

Sunday, August 22, 2010

"Make the most of what you have, not what you don't"

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010


(COPY+PASTE questions)
currently listening to ♪        : Kenny G - Forever in Love
currently drinking               : aqua
last time you watched tv    : last night?
last time you eat                : half-an-hour ago

Ha. It's already been two weeks since moving up to 11th grade.
Wha? Yep. I'm officially an 11th grader now. Getting older is.. effing awkward? maybe be. So 'busy' adapting, adjusting, trying to make new friends, blah blah blah, haven't got the right time to post ;-p


Monday, June 28, 2010

So loooong

:v FWWAHHH it has been so long since the last time I posted. The internet connection sucked the last two weeks -,- what a torture somehow I managed to pass through it though, thank God for there's always new things to discover everyday. The last two weeks -while I was less in front of my computer and doing 'real' activities more- many many things has changed. There's a part of my everyday life that wouldn't be a part anymore. A few lessons that have proven to be undeniably true : #1 There is no Ctrl+Z in real life, and #2 Changes are unavoidable. 
In the end of the day, hopefully I'll be able to move on, 'cause if not, life will be pretty hard from here. Oh, by the way, 
so cute isn't she ? she's like this little sister i never had ;-p and the song can't get out of my head, they do it every time on nickelodeon -_- something like this :

Ni Hao!
Kai-Lan, Kai-Lan, Kai-Lan, Kai-Lan
Ni Hao, Kai-Lan!

Come and join our good friends,
They're all ready to play
And now that you're here,
It's a super special day ♫

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Art of the Day



Friday, June 11, 2010


Yay! Summative week is officially ovah! There are some really good news and bad news! Good Fantastic news : I got 9 in chemie and 9,6 in physics. I literally wanted to cry when I found out, for I spend some almost-sleepless nights before those two. And thankfully, I passed the remedial score on a few other preferably sensitive subjects. All of these couldn't happen without my mom's prayer and support. So I was ecstatic when I could bring good news home. After all, it was all that really matter, and it's worth the sacrifice :-)
Bad news is... gotta pay for those almost-sleepless nights. My gastric ulcer (is this the right phrase for maag lambung?) got worse since Friday, it got better over the weekend of course, but on Monday, it has gotten worse again. On Wednesday, the last day of Summative, I threw up at 3 am. But I pushed myself to show up at school, because ''it's the last day". Mom was really worried. She suggested to go to the doctor on the next day. Thursday was another story. After this and that, went home, eat, swallowed some medicine, then sleep until 5, woke up, took a bath, and did normal activities. Today, sometimes I'm still feeling a little bit wanna-throw-up. But I hope EVERYTHING's gonna be okay.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Last post. For the next one-and-a-half week

Next week is a Summative week. Starting with Religion and Sociology on Monday. Biology is on the next day. So I'd probably not keep on posting. Hopefully after the week ends I'll be happily posting some great news  

Just sharing a bit, it has been some days lately. Starting on Thursday, when I forgot my basketball-athlete profile assignment. I was so #@#$%@# 'cause I was planning to make a really good, comprehensive profile with a picture, when the assignment was given on Tuesday. And Wednesday was a day-off! So could you imagine how mad & disappointed I am with myself?
And on Friday, I couldn't study a bit. I had fever. Sore throat and what my sister called "never-ending blows". 
On Saturday, I was getting better. So I started to unstore hand-outs, worksheets, and notes that I'll need to study for Summative. As a result my room looked like a wrecked ship, sunken in piles, piles of papers. 
So, I only have the chance to study today -__- but still, I'll try my best. Wishmeluck
BTW, Greyson Chance just followed me back yo! for those who is not familiar yet with this better-than-bieber kid, check out -> 


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Day-off

So ☺☺! Today's the seniors' graduation day, so school is off yipppeee :V thank you and congrats dear seniors!  Oh yeah, I don't want to be a couch potato... I DO have a plan for today : 1) Hang around wearing pajamas all day :-p  2) Eat & play whenever I want  3) And yes, I do have a task. Study for tomorrow's Physics test. Maybe I'll drop by my tutoring institution, trying my best for the last formative test of Physics *fingers crossed*

P.S : One of the ca.ang is competing in a wall-climbing competition, Eja FTW! g' luck for the others too

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I'm a big fan of the Archie comics. Enjoy ;-)

Monday, May 24, 2010



Last Saturday, I, my fellow Puapala '37 ca.angs (members-to-be), Puapala '36, a few 11th-graders, two PK and two of my teacher went... CARAFAN! (Caving & Rafting Delapan). Although without caving this year, it was a valuable experience. My first time rafting  (^o^)  *excited*
We went to Citatih, Sukabumi. We sailed through 13 kilometers of relatively deep, calm river that has pretty dynamic cascades in some points. It's like riding a roller coaster but subtler and of course, wet. Many people got into the river, but I didn't, there wasn't a 'right' moment for me to do it the water is not clear, that's why I was afraid to get in :-p
Not even less-fun, was when on-the-way in the bus which I probably missed most of it, for I fell asleep so easily. But nonetheless, it's still unforgettable. Many many things, I couldn't describe in words. 
One of the random things; one of the superintendents called me a "shrimp". He said I was so quiet (which is the opposite of my personality, once you've known me) and that I sleep all the time. I had no idea how a shrimp could be associated of being quiet (and a sleepyhead). I was like "Did you ever talked to a shrimp?" 
-__- . Oh, I forgot to mention something important; we never ever run out of food & snacks during the trip! they fed us like, every two-hours or so. Last but not least, truly thanking the coordinator & all the people who supported the trip 
:-) muchas gracias syukran merci beaucoup arigatō gozai masu

"Moments like this is what I'm going to miss the most"

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up"                   -Mark Twain

, it really works.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Good (Sunday) Morning!

"Morning! I'm feeling... going back to sleep *hoaahhm*"

(COPY+PASTE questions)
currently listening to ♪        : Mr. Big - Wild World
currently eating                  : Mom's home-made ketoprak, yum
currently drinking               : mineral water
currently with                     : my cat
nearest stuff you can reach : a comic book

Hmm... I always wake up early every Sunday morning, the only reason of that is because I'm used to, every day from Monday to Friday I get off bed even before the rooster starts to crow >.<

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Well, I've made it. I've been wanting to make a blog for a long, long time. It's just that, there are days when I wanted to share my mind -and days when I don't. Also, I had schedule problem -like most students do :p . The point is, I'm always afraid that my inconsistency will leave my blog abandoned. I'd rather don't have a blog than have mine sadly abandoned.
But, many things have changed the way I think lately -risks? why not. Today I'm feeling "Just make yourself one, the rest will be fine"toodles. Have a good day~