Sunday, April 1, 2012

"It's not always rainbows and butterflies, it's compromise that moves us along" - 'She Will Be Loved', Maroon 5 

how relevant

'Senam' Under The Rain

 Lapangan Mandala. Tired-yet-still-cheery faces

our theme : Sailor vs Pirates

I'm not gonna post much since tomorrow is already Pra-UN, but whew, this is my first post in 2012 -__-'
Well, January-February I was busy with: 1) Undangan thingy *finger-crossing*, 2) a class-assignment which took a lot more preparation and dedication than I & my XII IPA-E mates initially thought. But I'm not regretting even one second of the weeks preparing that class-assignment, granted, it was one of the best memories of my senior year *emotional sigh*. Here it is, our class' opening performance :D enjoy